sábado, agosto 19, 2006

Not again on queen-king's knees
you can listen to "Flash" of Queen while reading

tap tara tap pata ata?
da da da ad da pa-tada!
sharp shadows crash...harps silently sound
out of sight i see
prisms of symphony

it's just your hiden smile
finally appearing in the sky
can you catch it?
i wont take it with my eyes
until the sounds stop rounding in this unshined side, so apart
-you couldn't stop playing it, could you?
and the papers are set since the moment you appear on earth
-i wouldn't have been born here if that music wouldn't have been
clapping in your bed!
-like if you couldn't avoid it!-

it's ok now i'm here
i'd take advantage of this situation
changing the only thing left for me
-your music-
still beating in my head

i'll change it connecting those sounds with the ones of nature
i'll change it with the movements of bodies still trying to listen to u-n-con-n-e-c-t-e-d butterflies
we'll fly
you won't be able to catch us now
we'll fly until the sun is gone
we'll fly until we don't need to matter about until when again-most of the limits we believe in are not our choices, although we think they are-.
countries that shout for peace, let the butterflies be free!
they'll breath the airs of every dirty war,
they'll cry and shine over the cities beyond silence -but just for a while-
they'll live in the sounds of your eyes
they'll lick the wounds growing on the coloured smiles those children won't un-harp.

dance a RAP papa, for the children's eyes
sing a RAP papa, i'm sure you can
RAP the RAP papa and
"don't stop me now "
"everybody play the game of love!"
take the risk.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

A ver....
Esa foto trucha!
semi spsicodelica...
No se entiende nada!
un dibujito de pendejo jajajaj
Emm Aprende a usar el photoshop
Ke para algo lo bajé!
Nada deja de fumar vos!
Y aka paso despues ke me rompiste mucho las bolas!!!!!


10:24 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

hola lai. esto de escribir en ingles mmmmmmm me haces pensar mucho ya me haces pensar lo q escribis encima tengo q entender ingles.. je
todo bien pensar viene bien muy bien

9:37 p. m.  

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